I would like to access VoiceMailMain2 skipping extension and password
prompting if calling from a resource that has a mailbox defined. What
variables can I use to retrieve the calling channel & calling extension (if
it exists)?

Here is what I'm trying to accomplish (of course ${CallingResourse.MailBox}
is not a real way to retrieve this info)...

exten => 7799,1,gotoif(${CallingResourse.MailBox}?7799|2:7799|4)
exten => 7799,2,VoicemailMain2(s${CallingResourse.MailBox})
exten => 7799,4,VoicemailMain2

... currently extensions.conf is ...
exten => 7799,1,VoicemailMain2

... and from zapata.conf ...
callerid="TCC hcaar" <321-222-2553>

Any suggestions?

John Harragin

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