On Mon, 2004-08-09 at 12:18, niko singh wrote:
> Hi,
> I have read quitea bit of the available resources and have this idea of 
> asterisk. Would someone kindly answer these briefly
> 1-) Asterisk does not need a sound card...but if i am to record voice into 
> an extension or dial from CLI ( basically use asterisk itself as a softphone 
> ) then i need a sound card.  : Yes/No
Yes, but recording can be done via a phone as well.

> a-) If yes creative soundblaster pci 128 is my best bet. Yes/No
Not necessarily.
> 2-) Which is the best codec to use with different softphones
> a-) SJphone :
> b-)  Lipz4 :
> c-)  Gnophone :
Depends on whether you need the bandwidth or not.
Gsm or ulaw work fine if you have the bandwidth.
g.729 is better if you need the best in bandwidth.

> 3-)  Hardphones need to be plugged into the DSL router ( basically need an 
> internet conn ) ... and need no digium cards.
> a-) for recieving calls : Yes/No
> b-) for making calls : Yes/no
> 4-)  Sofphones run on machines different from the one running asterisk and 
> can connect to asterisk , which routes the different phones according to 
> contexts. Yes / no

> 5-) Softphone can run on the same machine as asterisk and register the same 
> way as if they were ona  different machine : yes /no
They can but asterisk runs better on stand alone system.

> 6-) Softphones can behave as independent sip phones without asterisk.


http://voip-info.org is your friend.

respectfully, Joseph ===============
---------------------= Psalms 9:17 =

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