2007/11/8, bruno randolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> hi!
> i put up 2 new traces of cardbus cards, both with a 5112A PHY. the curious
> thing is, the one with the 5213 MAC works with ath5k, but the one with 5213A
> doesn't. there shouldn't be *that* much difference...
> http://br1.einfach.org/ath/5213-5112A-mad-trace.tgz
> http://br1.einfach.org/ath/5213A-5112A-mad-trace.tgz
> i'll try to figure out the differences tomorrow, but i'm still a bit
> overwhelmed with the amount of data. i want to add a --filter option to the
> ath-reg-decode script to get rid of the uninteresting registers...
> right now i think we can filter (this is a regex):
> maybe
> and
> too?
> nick? luis? anyone? can you comment?
> thanks,
> bruno

Just do the following for faster results (i'm doing the same for 5414 stuff)...

1) In if_ath.c always call ath_hal_reset WITHOUT channel change flag
so we always get a full reset (documentation is faulty on this, when
setting channel_change flag some steps on reset are skiped and we want
them on the trace).

2) After that only get the last reset circle (the one before
connection -you shouldn't see another reset after that) from
ath_hal_reset to the last call to ath_hal_beacontimers (then only
rx_monitor/gettsf etc are called). Getting the card to connect
somewhere is very usefull for traces, here is what i do...

a) enable loging/debug
b) modprobe ath_pci
c) save log as <rev>-attach.log
d) disable loging/empty log/reenable loging
e) iwpriv ath0 mode <mode> <- this should result a call to resettxqueue
f) save log as <rev>-iwpriv-mode-<mode>.log
g) disable loging/empty log/reenable loging
h) iwconfig ath0 essid <essid> channel <channel> <- this doesn't
result any data on the log
i) ifconfig ath0 up
j) wait to connect
k) disable loging/save log as <rev>-ifup-connected-chan<channel>.log

now attach and iwpriv logs are always the same and it's easy to diff
them etc, on ifup logs doing 2 helps a lot because last step is what
it's interesting to us (untill then card is switching channels etc and
this is some extra noise we don't need).

On 5212/5213 this should give you about 1300 - 1308 lines (the full
reset cycle) that should be easy to diff and see what happens. I'll
also look into it ;-)

As you read this post global entropy rises. Have Fun ;-)
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