This is what i've found so far (for more infos check out patent doc
and code that was inside if_ath.c ->

This part seems to reset counters in mac...
> 1020: R: 0x8090 = 0x00000000 - AR5K_ACK_FAIL_5211
> 1021: R: 0x808c = 0x00000000 - AR5K_RTS_FAIL_5211
> 1022: R: 0x8094 = 0x00000000 - AR5K_FCS_FAIL_5211
> 1023: R: 0x8088 = 0x00000000 - AR5K_RTS_OK_5211
> 1024: R: 0x8098 = 0x00000000 - AR5K_BEACON_CNT_5211
> 1025: W: 0x8124 = 0x00000000 - unknown
> 1026: W: 0x8128 = 0x00000000 - unknown
> 1027: W: 0x0040 = 0x00000000 - AR5K_MIBC
> 1028: W: 0x8130 = 0x00020000 - unknown
> 1029: W: 0x8138 = 0x02000000 - unknown

Here it passes the interference immunity parameter set on hw (see patent doc)...

coarse_low (mask with AR5K_PHY_AGCCOARSE_LO)
> 1032: R: 0x985c = 0x3137665e - AR5K_PHY_AGCCOARSE
> 1033: W: 0x985c = 0x3137605e - AR5K_PHY_AGCCOARSE
coarse_high (mask with AR5K_PHY_AGCCOARSE_HI)
> 1034: R: 0x985c = 0x3137605e - AR5K_PHY_AGCCOARSE
> 1035: W: 0x985c = 0x3139605e - AR5K_PHY_AGCCOARSE

"[0015] The SSCI immunity parameters can be provided in an indexed
table. The SSCI immunity parameters can include a coarse high
parameter relating to a high power threshold of a signal received by
the WLAN receiver and a coarse low parameter relating to a low power
threshold of that received signal. The immunity parameter other than
SSCI can include a bb_cycpwr_thrl threshold relating to weak OFDM
signal detection in the WLAN receiver and/or a weak_sig_thr_cck
threshold relating to weak CCK signal detection in the WLAN receiver."

fipwr (mask with AR5K_PHY_SIG_FIRPWR)
> 1036: R: 0x9858 = 0x7e800d2e - AR5K_PHY_SIG
> 1037: W: 0x9858 = 0x7ec80d2e - AR5K_PHY_SIG

"Firpwr is a check that ensures an absolute size of the inband signal
at ADCs 210 (Figure 2A) using strong signal detection. That is, firpwr
minimizes false triggering on an adjacent out-of-band signal. If the
size of the signal is less than the desired firpwr, then real packets
may not be detected. The firpwr check can be performed immediately
after the signal is determined to be between course high and coarse
low after a coarse gain drop. In this embodiment of Table 1, the
parameter values  coarse-high, coarse-low, totalsizedesired and firpwr
are expressed as 1S dB increments (in this embodiment, an integer step
in a control register is set to a desired precision such that changes
can be measured in 1S dB). "

Only one parameter left on the table,  totalsize_desired (patent doc
see table on page 17) this has to be the corresponding register.
> 1030: R: 0x9850 = 0x0de8b0e0 - AR5K_PHY(20)
> 1031: W: 0x9850 = 0x0c98b0e0 - AR5K_PHY(20)

"[0032]'When the gain is changed (i. e. decreased or increased), power
measurement block 240 attempts to get a desired total signal size
(totalsizedesired) based on the input range of ADCs 210. Note that to
increase interference immunity, coarse high can be increased (at least
some) and both coarse low and totalsizedesired can be decreased (in
one embodiment, significantly more than the increase of coarse high).
This adjustment has the effect of increasing the delta between
totalsizedesired and coarse high while ensuring that totalsizedesired
is not less than coarse-low, thereby ensuring that the gain is not
changed too-often in the receiver. This delta can be helpful because
with no interference the signal stays small and a larger interference
is needed to exceed coarse high. After gain adjustments have been
made, the search mode is complete and signal identification (also
called the demodulation mode) can begin."

This has to be firstep (mask with AR5K_PHY_SIG_FIRSTEP)
> 1040: R: 0x9858 = 0x7ec80d2e - AR5K_PHY_SIG
> 1041: W: 0x9858 = 0x7ec80d2e - AR5K_PHY_SIG

"[0070] To detect a weak signal using correlation, some increase in
in-band power must have been detected. This increase in power, i. e. a
power delta, can then be compared to a threshold value firstep. If the
power delta is equal to or greater than firstep, then a weak signal is
detected. Thus, step 318 also raises the threshold for detecting any
weak signal."

(See below)
> 1038: R: 0x9924 = 0x10058a05 - AR5K_PHY(73)
> 1039: W: 0x9924 = 0x10058a05 - AR5K_PHY(73)

According to diagram in figure 3b and the patent doc this part must be
when it disables OFDM weak signal detection (also check out
ath_ani_poll in the code above -which is BSD licensed btw-)...
> 1042: R: 0x986c = 0x050cb081 - AR5K_PHY(27)
> 1043: W: 0x986c = 0x051ff081 - AR5K_PHY(27)
> 1044: R: 0x986c = 0x051ff081 - AR5K_PHY(27)
> 1045: W: 0x986c = 0x0ffff081 - AR5K_PHY(27)
> 1046: R: 0x9868 = 0x409a4190 - AR5K_PHY(26)
> 1047: W: 0x9868 = 0x40fe4190 - AR5K_PHY(26)
> 1048: R: 0x9868 = 0x40fe4190 - AR5K_PHY(26)
> 1049: W: 0x9868 = 0x7ffe4190 - AR5K_PHY(26)
> 1050: R: 0x9868 = 0x7ffe4190 - AR5K_PHY(26)
> 1051: W: 0x9868 = 0x7ffe419f - AR5K_PHY(26)
> 1052: R: 0x986c = 0x0ffff081 - AR5K_PHY(27)
> 1053: W: 0x986c = 0x0fffff81 - AR5K_PHY(27)
> 1054: R: 0x986c = 0x0fffff81 - AR5K_PHY(27)
> 1055: W: 0x986c = 0x0fffff80 - AR5K_PHY(27)

"[0064] If the receiver is configured to receive OFDM signals, as
determined by step 311, then step 312 disables OFDM weak signal
detection. In one embodiment, disabling OFDM weak signal detection is
performed by setting a number of parameters so as to render OFDM weak
signal detection impossible rather than by physically disabling the
weak signal detection circuitry (i. e. OFDM identifier 227). Table 2
indicates exemplary values for such parameters. Note that bbmlthres
and bbm2thres refer to normalized, self-correlated thresholds,
bbm2countthr refers to the number of self- correlation values (wherein
a typical count would not exceed 31), and bbuseselfcorrlow refers to
an enabling bit value."

Well table contains only 4 values but here we have 7 :P

(See below)
> 1056: R: 0xa208 = 0xd03e6788 - AR5K_PHY(642)
> 1057: W: 0xa208 = 0xd03e6788 - AR5K_PHY(642)
(also note that this register is used for diversity -check out using
capability calls-, mask this with 0x2000)

For 0xa208 and 0x9924 i'm not sure which one is which, there are only
2 possible matches, weak_sig_thr_cck threshold and bb_cycpwr_thrl.

Bruno can you redo this dump with 802.11b link (CCK) ? It might be
easier to spot what these registers do (and verify if i'm right about
the part that disables ofdm weak signal detection).

As you read this post global entropy rises. Have Fun ;-)
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