> 2008/9/24 Bob Copeland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Shouldn't this be something like:
> >
> >        ah->ah_ai_state = kzalloc()...
> >
> > Otherwise ath5k_hw_ani_set_min_immunity segfaults immediately.
> Already tested that and it doesn't segfault, we set ah_ani_state before
> that...
> struct ath5k_ani_state *ani_state = ah->ah_ani_state;

Hmm, well I got a null pointer deref right at 
ath5k_hw_ani_set_min_immunity+0x9.  The line of code you posted does the
opposite of setting ah->ah_ani_state, right?

After I made my change to set the kzalloc-ed pointers into 
ah->ah_ani_state/stats, it loaded (except, as you said, rx didn't seem to
work).  I thought maybe you just reformatted the code before posting.

> Yup we 'll make a label err: or something, that's not what i'm after
> right now, we must find out the initial values we should use and make
> it work.

Yup, I know :)  The code makes sense from reading the patent, though 
I haven't gone through it too closely, yet.

Bob Copeland %% www.bobcopeland.com

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