On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 11:41:06AM +1000, Jonathan Guerin wrote:
> Wow you weren't kidding about build breakages! Just to get this clear,
> after setting a build to 'bad', it will choose the next commit hash to
> use. Does it automatically then check that out, or do I need to:
> git checkout <hash>
> git reset --hard <hash>

It automaticaly checks it out (you can verify with 'git log' or
'git bisect visualize').  But you do not want to mark a build
bad unless it exhibits the bug (i.e. it builds and you can verify
the bug exists).  Likewise, only mark it good if you can build
and test that the bug isn't there.

If I can't build the kernel, I usually either randomly pick
another commit to test (pick one via git bisect visualize and then
git reset --hard to it) or figure out which commit fixes the breakage
and then cherry pick that with --no-commit into each broken kernel.

The git-bisect manpage has more clues.

Bob Copeland %% www.bobcopeland.com

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