Hello list,

I'm experiencing encryption problems that may be related to this bug
report (although the report is about AR2413):

The crypto handshake appears to complete just fine, however no reply is
received from DHCP.
After setting a fixed IP instead, I can ping for a while but the
connection chokes on stronger traffic.
When ath5k is loaded with nohwcrypt, the problem goes away.

Is there a known issue?
Anyone working on it?

Test platform: Fedora 14 x86(i386) with
wireless-testing-2.6.37-rc1-wl+/master-2010-11-08 as well as

Tested with two different miniPCI modules, both based on AR5413.

Same behavior with wpa_supplicant 0.6.8 as included with F14 with
-Dwext, and with wpa_supplicant 0.8.x (2010-11-08) with both wext and

Best Regards,

Stefan Nickl
System Engineer
Kontron Modular Computers GmbH

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