2010/11/29 John McLean <jdmcl...@shaw.ca>:
> Just wondering if anyone else has seen this behaviour.
> Running hostapd with no clients, or with just one client connected.
> Seeing beacon rate from 2/second up to 1 every 15 seconds, and anything in
> between. (beacon rate being completely intermittent) Then the beacons will
> go away completely for minutes at a time, (I've recorded as long as seven
> minutes) then they re-appear at this random rate. (with no input from any
> outside source that I can see)
> Using:
> kernel: 2.6.32
> ath5k.ko 0.6.0
> compat-wireless-
> hostapd 0.7.2
> Monitoring with wireshark running on windows xp with an AirPcap Nx usb
> adaptor.
> My hostapd config is:
> ctrl_interface=/var/run/hostapd
> ctrl_interface_group=0
> interface=wlan0
> bridge=br0
> driver=nl80211
> ssid=H040109D0311
> auth_algs=3
> channel=6
> hw_mode=g
> ieee8021x=0
> wmm_enabled=0
> wpa=2
> wpa_key_mgmt=WPA-PSK
> wpa_pairwise=CCMP
> wpa_group_rekey=300
> wpa_gmk_rekey=86400
> wpa_passphrase=newworld
> I can provide any additional info, pcap traces, etc.
> Thx for any input!
> Cheers, John

Have you tried running hostapd -vv on console ?

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