Hi Arash,

>>>>> Arash Esbati <ar...@gnu.org> writes:
> I think the query of arguments for \parbox isn't correct with the
> current implementation.

> I suggest to define a new function like (suggestions for better name are
> welcome):

>   (defun TeX-arg-parbox-pos (optional &optional prompt innerpos)
>     (TeX-argument-insert
>      (completing-read
>       (TeX-argument-prompt optional prompt "Position")
>       (if innerpos
>           '("t" "b" "c" "s")
>         '("t" "b" "c"))
>       nil t)))

> and then change the entry for "parbox" to:

>   '("parbox" [TeX-arg-parbox-pos]
>              [TeX-arg-length "Height"]
>              [TeX-arg-parbox-pos "Inner position" t]
>              (TeX-arg-length "Width")
>              t)

It basically looks good to me.

> minipage environment has the same issue, but I have to look closer.

The above new function can serve for minipage environment, so I think
its name should be something more general. Maybe TeX-arg-tbcs ?
(Hmm, current LaTeX-env-minipage only asks one optional argument, but
minipage environment acutually accepts three optional arguments just
like \parbox. We can fully support them with your new function.)

> And while we're at it, I would delete the ("") entries in
> `TeX-arg-corner' and `TeX-arg-lr' which are not necessary and were
> always confusing to me.

Fine with me.

BTW, I noticed that doc strings of TeX-arg-{lr,tb} is queer.
  "Prompt for a LaTeX side with completion.
I guess these are leftovers of incomplete revising of the doc string of
  "Prompt for a LaTeX side or corner position with completion.

Ikumi Keita

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