We can make this the official 'Introducing myself' thread! =)
I am still exploring the pros and cons of the SB2 unit. It does so many
things so well, but as with all audiophiles, our wish for the SB2 is for
it to be 'bit perfect'. Clock sync and jitter are certainly two issues
for us to deal with. I actually heard some pretty loud popping sound
just now on a few tracks but before that, it was working perfectly. 

Stereophile did a review on the Airport Express awhile back, giving it
a good workout, and provided many technical measurements. i wish they
would do the same for the SB2 so we know how good it is and know the
weak pts and make modifications to make up for it.


*** *** ***
SB2 | Linn CD12 | Unidisk 1.1 | TacT RCS2.0s | Placette Audio Balanced
Passive Preamp | Mark Levinson No.33H | Revel Ultima Salon
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