fuzzyT Wrote: 
> cliveb wrote:
> > Just to make sure I've understood you correctly, you're saying that
> the
> > SB1's digital output has sufficiently high jitter that your DAX-2
> > refused to lock? And when you added the Monarchy DIP "Jitter
> Buster",
> > it was still too jittery for the DAX-2? The emperor appears to be
> naked
> > once again.
> methinks it was not jitter preventing the lock, but value (and perhaps
> drift) in the base frequency.  both are time errors, but different.

Agreed. Squeezebox1 did have issues with frequency precision due to a
bug in its DSP which (being a 3rd party component with limited support)
I could not readily fix.

In Squeezebox2 we are doing all the DSP work ourselves, and the clock
circuitry is driven by separate fixed xtal circuits instead of an
adjustible PLL. There's more info in our faq, but basically this means
a) WAY better precision for avg freq and b) reduced jitter because the
clocks are now generated directly. I'm glad the indicator LEDs on Big
Ben etc reflect the improvement.

Concerning jitter: I tested with an analyzer that could not measure as
low as our output. I'd love to test Squeezebox2 with a $50,000+
analyzer like they use for telco equipment, just so we could put a
definitive spec on it, but I don't have ready access to such equipment.

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