On Thu, 2005-06-23 at 16:20 -0700, Aylwin wrote:
> I think mods are the way to go.

I tend to think so as well.
Maybe package the mods and sell them if it works great.

Back before the SB2 I was thinking of taking a SB1 and
a Benchmark DAC-1, putting them in a single case of heavy
metal and selling it for $2000.

> In the end though, it's still PCM and many audiophiles will prefer SACD
> and/or analog (vinyl records) for their serious listening. 

I hear you, and read about it, but don't understand.
I can see SACD over red book, but don't see any
reason that 24/96 PCM can't do as well. 
I do all the recording in  my studio at 24 bits, and use
96k when there is any hope that folks will care
about quality.

It is about impossible to get a real test comparing them.
All of the stereo mags tests seem to compare SACD to redbook.
Of course, the labels have no incentive to release the same
recordings in both formats so that they could be compared.

It was interesting to see Stereophile test SACD disks
a few months back. Many of them (most?) had no signal
above 20kHz. Probably because they were just remasterings
of low rate PCM in the first place.

It is pretty clear to me that DVD-A and SACD are dead for
any real volume. Perhaps dual-disk will work, altho I'm skeptical.

The folks who really care use LPs, and there will always
be a niche market to support them. But it is not
at all clear how there can be new material, most
orchestras & symphony groups are no long able
to get funding to record (Naxos the exception that
makes the rule, and they are not hi-fi)


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