Okay - a lurker posting here. But not one who isn't interested in
attaining the highest quality sound for the most reasonable (wife
friendly) cost!!!

Coming from a scientific background (father electronic engineer) myself
an orthopaedic surgeon I think you may gather the slant I will have on
this thread. But to throw in the curve ball, have any of the
audiophiles gone to an audiometrist to have their hearing checked? I
mean, alot of the threads I read (here and elsewhere) that insight
controversy between "techies" and audiophiles generally end with the
statement that "I CAN hear the difference but just can't prove it
exists..." This is the whole beauty of music, as it sounds different to
us ALL (regardless of system being played back on). Yeah the notes are
the same etc but individual perception will never be.
Spending more money on the hardware certainly "levels the playing
field" but after a threshold the perceived differences seem to come
down to blind faith or the latest fad amongst of the scene.

I would love to see the spectral map of hearing for the audiophile set
(and for the techs too) and then lets comment on how good the real
"final stage" is in their systems... ! :)

As for FLAC - its the dogs, 
server side vs onboard SB2 decoding - still needing the consent to swap
out the old SB1!!


PS: m1abrams - liking your home built speakers BTW!

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