ron thigpen wrote:

FLAC encoder input = FLAC decoder output, certainly. But extending that to a statement that a system processing identical bitstreams will produce identical sound is to ignore an awful lot of real world complexity.


I believe you're giving the right answer to the wrong question!

You are describing the vaguaries of the digital->analogue conversion process, not the encoding/decoding of the flac format which takes place in a non-timebound digital domain and can be proven to be entirely accurate, i.e. what you put in you get out.

I read the original statement as saying that there was a possibility that FLAC encoder input <> FLAC decoder output. And I interpret Pat's response to say the same. It was this assertion that I described as "rubbish".

Everything else you have said about PSUs, noise, RFI, etc., while completly valid is not really relevant in this instance.


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