julian2002 Wrote: 
> ....i guess this points to the real question - how fussy are your dacs
> about the incomming signal? 
> cheers
> julian.

Thank you Julian. I guess I need to buy a Two to try for myself.

You pose a good question. At my house, the SB1 works very well into a
Theta Gen 8. Not as well as my dedicated transport but so much better
than it should for the price. With my Stello DAC it sounds a little
better than what I get from the digital stream of a cheap DVD player.
This surprised me. 

The Stello is a gutsy inexpensive overachiever that sounds great with a
decent CD player. I expected it to obscure differences the more
expensive DAC revealed. 

I've done these sort of tests with a small number of friends who have
an Audio Alchemy, a Wadia and a DCS stack. There appears to be a
consistency. The DACs from the high priced companies that brag about
their jitter control make the SB1 sound like a champ. The more moderate
priced DACs fair poorly. Doesn't seem fair and runs counter to the usual
experience. The AA DAC did so poorly, we all felt the SB1 was better by
itself, Not as revealing but more musical. Maybe this will turn around
with the SB2?

I wish I knew something of the Audio Synthesis. I gather you are in
England. Even in big cities in the US, we don't see much British
equipment other than the obvious like B&W. I visited a few shops when I
was in your country in the 90s. Heard great sound from systems made up
of products I can only read about here in Stereophile. 

Reminds me, I really wish someone would write a "Dummy's Guide to the
Squeezebox". I know I'm not the only person to talk his audiophile
friends into buying these clock-radios. I've gotten sick of having to
teach the basics of ripping to flac, tagging and network setup to guys
who should be able to figure it out themselves. I finally drew the line
at mirroring my HDs. Between the legality and the time.....

Harry G
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