WS...congrats!  But I did notice that your signature still has the Linn
Unidisk; are you still using that?  By many accounts, the Unidisk is
better as a transport than the CD12.  And of course your beautiful
EmmLabs DAC is also probably a lot better sounding than the CD12.

FWIW, I'm finding that I like listening to music using my SB2 to feed
my Dodson DA-218 DAC.  On critical listening (and in system
demonstrations for potential customers, since I am an audio dealer), I
will use my modified Sony S7700 transport because it does sound a
little bit better than the SB2.  But it's damn close...and my S7700 has
about $1300 worth of mods on it (more than the cost of my SB2 and eMac


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