I was asked questions and I answered them with MY opinion. I gave links
to what a SB2 owner had to say about it.

I am not dissing the SB2. I have said before and I will say again the I
feel Sean Adams and company have produced an incredible product for the
price. It has changed the way I listen to music.

To MY ears and in MY system, I felt that it could be made to sound
better. Others may disagree. That's fine with me. 

I put together a listening session and invited folks to come and hear
for themselves and make up their own minds.

If you are happy with the way your SB2 sounds then I am very happy for
you. I do agree that for most folks the stock SB2 will sound better
then what they are used to listening to. 

For some folks whose passion is high quality audio reproduction, they
always want something "better". The SB2 is also a way to achieve that.

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