Arriving late at this thread...

On my laptop, the best I ever get in secure mode is 2.4x.  Sometimes
"0x" for problem CDs, often those that look pristine.

Among the EAC curiosities I have found:

1.  When it employs error correction in secure mode, the "LEDs" on the
Error Correction display always fill the first row and only the first
row, then EAC advances.  I find it suspicious that EAC always finds a
valid read after the same number of attempts, if that's what the
display is meant to convey.

2.  I can often rip a troublesome CD in secure mode by simply ejecting
and reinserting the CD.

3.  CDs that have problems in secure mode often will rip one track,
then bog down on the second.  If the eject/insert technique doesn't
work, I can sometimes rip the CD by doing the tracks one by one, as
long as they aren't sequential (e.g. in reverse order).

I wonder if the last two imply that my CD drive is showing its age.

In burst mode I usually get 8x.  If I use "Test & Copy" in burst mode
(about 4x) and I get identical Read and Test CRCs, what is the
probability that the rip will be worse than secure mode?  When I spot
check tracks in secure mode that have matching CRCs in burst mode, the
CRCs always agree.

I'm about to buy a Plextor 740A myself (for a desktop PC), for better
speed, CD burning on a PC that doesn't have it, and DVD burning for
backup.  EAC can't use the CD-ROM on that computer, anyway.

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