
>Among the EAC curiosities I have found:
>1. When it employs error correction in secure mode, the "LEDs" 
>on the Error Correction display always fill the first row and 
>only the first row, then EAC advances. I find it suspicious that
> EAC always finds a valid read after the same number of 
>attempts, if that's what the display is meant to convey.

If I remember it well, EAC always re read the suspicios block a fixed
time (I guess 8 times the first time) and if, lets say , 7 of  the 8
reads of the same block produce the same value, and only one is
different then EAC assumes that the most common value  is the right
value. Thats why it always fill the first line of leds. If EAC finds 4
for one value, and the other 4 for some other value, then it will read
8 times more ( the second row of leds) and then decide again. If by 64
re-reads (or 32 dont remember well now) it cant decide whats the right
value for the block, it will give a data error message.


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