I started a new thread on this in the General Discussion Forum, but
since is stated here, I'll double post...

I have been discussingmy dropout problems in the Audiophile forum, but
I think this is better here, aince I may have noe new info.

I am running a wireless SB2 on a Mac system with an Airport Exreme. I
have been plagued by dropouts, and have gone through many many
suggestions, but to no avail. This onlyhappens with ripped CDS (Apple
Lossless, AIFF, AAC-all the same). Internet radio works like a charm.

Well I finally set it up to continuously monitor the bufer while it is
playing. I found that sometimes in mid-song the buffer gradually drops
to 0% over a short time, and that's when the continous dropouts happen-
and the buffer stays at 0% during this time. The signal strength has not
changed when this happens, or when the buffer stays at 0%, and the
wireless network is working otherwise during this time.

What might account for this, and how do I fix it??



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