bec143 Wrote: 
> I am running a wireless SB2 on a Mac system with an Airport Exreme. I
> have been plagued by dropouts, and have gone through many many
> suggestions, but to no avail. This onlyhappens with ripped CDS (Apple
> Lossless, AIFF, AAC-all the same). Internet radio works like a charm.

I run a Mac system too and had exactly the same symptoms (in fact I
think I replied to your thread in the general forum!).

My dropoputs were cause by perl activity going through the roof -
essentially SlimServer rescanning my iTunes library all the time (my
daughter was using iTunes to play music and a plugin was updating album
art on every track). I switched off all automatic library rescans and
hey presto, no more dropouts. 

This may not be the same problem as yours, but assuming that internet
radio goes through a different code path and doesn't check for library
changes, it could be related.


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