Hi Everyone

I have a quality issue which I hope someone might be able to help with
on my otherwise fantastic Squeezebox 2. 

I will try my best to describe the symptoms. When I listen to quiet
music at reasonable amplification either through my Squeezebox 2 or
SoftSqueeze, I hear background digital noise. This can only be
descirbed as a wind or sea like sound. The music still plays, but quiet
pieces sound distorted, whereas louder parts sound acceptable. In short,
I guess I could say that I seem to have a reduced signal to noise

In comparison, if I listen to the same AAC file through iTunes, or
decode the file manually to WAV using faad (faad -o outfile.wav
infile.m4a) and play that, then the quality is perfect.

I get the same problem if I set the player settings with or without
rate limiting (i.e. transcoding via lame, or sending the signal raw).

My set-up is as follows:

Server: Fedora Core 4 running the following software:
# rpm -qa slimserver
# rpm -qa faad2
# rpm -qa lame
# uname -a
Linux slimlinux 2.6.14-1.1637_FC4 #1 Wed Nov 9 18:19:37 EST 2005 i686
i686 i386 GNU/Linux

My audio files are unprotected AAC (all ripped CDs through iTunes)

I have added the following lines to

# Transcoding for AAC files.
mov mp3 * *
[faad] -w -f 2 $FILE$ | [lame] --resample 44100 --silent -q
$QUALITY$ -b $BITRATE$ -r - -

mov aif * *
[faad] -w -f 2 $FILE$

I have also commented out the following entry:

#mov aif * *
#       [mov123] $FILE$

I have searched as far as I can on this forum and Google but simply
cannot find an answer. If anyone else is seeing the same problem, or
even knows the answer, then I would really appreciate the help!


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