Cleve Wrote: 
> Poor tech support is poor tech support, regardless of what part of the
> globe it originates from.   
> However, couple poor support with a poor grasp of the English language,
> and a resultant difficulty in comprehending what the tech is saying, as
> I've personally encountered in some tech 'support' hotlines, and it's
> especially vexing.   And I won't even get into my own personal opines
> on all this 'outsourcing'.  
The thing about the review that annoyed me was that the reviewer
mentioned it in the way he did.  Had he written "I called the tech
support hotline, and to my suprise it wasn't outsourced" that would
have been fine.  But he decided to make the entire continent of India
look stupid using racial sterotypes in his idea of humour.  Watch BBC
World, it might suprise you that some "coloured peopled" speak English
on par with The Queen.

If there is (and sometimes I have found there is) a difficulty in you
understanding a outsourced employee, or they understanding you it is
not the person in India's fault, they are just looking for a job which
is a an necessity for them and is more important in the scheme of
things than you trying to get your luxury electrical item working.

It's the company's fault for not only writing off jobs in your country
to save money, they are also no doubt having people in other countries
working under crap conditions to save money.  But why are they doing
this?  So you can pay $10 less for your electrical item.  So in the end
it's your fault when maybe paying a little more would have been worth it
if you'd have been able to find a company making more jobs for your
countrymen and where support would have been easy and maybe your taxes
were not quite so high due to paying for these ex-support staff's

No finer example of this than Wal-Mart - if you're looking to spend $10
somewhere I'd recommend this, or at least have a read of the site:

Cleve Wrote: 
> Regardless, I think 'The Simpsons' is leaps and bounds more 'racist'
> than anything that poor Scott wrote.  It's astonishing how thin-skinned
> and "PC" people strive to be today.
The Simpson's is great.  It's so popular they are making a special
Middle Eastern version I believe, no doubt with sterotypes of white
people invading countries to steal oil.  But this is a cartoon, and
very cleverly done humour - which if you look underneath is not
actually racist but only a pi**-take at the whole of society.

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