So, I've been messing around again this afternoon and have got a little
closer to figuring out the root cause of this problem. It appears not
to be the Slimserver per se, but appears instead to be the act of
transcoding from AAC to another format via the stdio.

I have performed a number of tests, with the following results:

1. Decode an AAC file to a WAV.
COMMAND USED: faad infile.m4a outfile.wav
RESULT: When I play the .wav using windows media player, there is no

2. Encode the .wav from test 1 into an MP3 manually.
COMMAND USED: lame infile.wav outfile.mp3
RESULT: When I play the .mp3 using windows media player, there is no

3. Transcode an AAC to MP3 via stdio
COMMAND USED: faad -w infile.m4a | lame - outfile.mp3
RESULT: When I play the .mp3 using windows media player, the music
plays but with the same background noise as seen when listening via my
Squeezebox and Softsqueeze.

>From the tests above, there seems to be a limitation when transcoding
from AAC to another format via stdio. As a result, using this method of
transcoding with Slimserver will introduce an unacceptable level of
background noise.

I will update my bug with this information, as since this is the
transcoding method Slimdevices recommend when running Slimserver on a
Linux server, I believe this is not an acceptable solution. If I can
find a way to bypass transcoding and stream the raw music off of my
server then that should hopefully solve this problem. Otherwise I'm
afraid I'll be installing Windows again...


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