CardinalFang said the following on 23/12/2005 09:25:
>>>Java does allow you to wrap features up into nice,
>>>self contained functional blocks that can be black box tested and
>>>left well alone. That's my main gripe with Perl, it isn't a language
>>>that enables that kind of unit construction of an app.
>>Agian, not so.
> Sorry, but Perl subroutines to me is a hack.

Ah, to *you*, maybe.

> Getting parameters using
> shift is horrible, it's like accessing a stack directly. Modules aren't
> really encapsulation in my mind, they're a packaging feature. Java class
> packages have much stricter checking on their usage when compiling
> apps.
> Perl is good because it is easy to get going with it, but it also
> allows you to be very undisciplined and lazy about coding style and
> legibility. Having to turn on "strict" to catch fundemental coding
> errors doesn't inspire confidence in me, I'm afraid.

Again, that's personal. Just because *you* don't like it doesn't mean
it's a bad thing.

> Looks like I disagree with most people on this forum again :-)

It would appear so.


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