My SqueezeBox is replacing a network-based music system of my own
design. Until the SqueezeBox, I was listening to CDs playing from two
Sony Jukeboxes controlled by a Slink-e, a serial device from a
now-defunct company called Nirvis.

The software that controls the Slink-e consisted of a proxy server, an
ActiveX component and a VB6 ActiveX.exe that I wrote to wrap the OCX's
properties and methods. The ActiveX.exe runs in IIS, and is controlled
from a series of classic ASP pages that I also wrote. An Access
database contains all of my album and track data.

My observations comparing SlimServer to my own system …

First, I do not consider myself a world-class programmer. I know what
I’m doing, but there are much more talented folks out there than
myself. Second, classic ASP and Access are regularly ridiculed for
their speed of execution and scalability.

Is spite of these facts, the speed and usability of the web interface
of my own system is substantially superior to SlimServer at performing
similar tasks (listing, sorting, etc.). My system's screen redraws are
almost instantaneous. SlimServer's are a bit ponderous. Why is this?

There is definitely something fundamentally slow either with Perl or
the underpinnings of SlimServer.

If you want to compare them yourself, e-mail me and I’ll give you
access to my intranet.


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