richidoo Wrote: 
>  A Pentode running in AB will run cooler than if you switch it to
> triode, even though the volume level will sound lower. 
> Many people like triode sound better, but not me, I always opt for
> pentode AB in my Cary SLI-80. I just can't give up the treble accuracy
> and bass power that I lose in triode.

My Jolida 102b is not switchable, and since there weren't any explicit
instructions for modding it into triode mode all the time, I listened
at mostly low levels. My assumption was it was triode up to l watt,
after which the PP kicked in automatically.  

Thanks for the textbook-quality explanation, I actually had to put my
finger on the screen to follow the words while i read slowly. I think
my lips were moving too. Seriously- thanks for the help. Sorry to
others for the derailment. 

richidoo Wrote: 
> Playing 16 bit files from your network you will not be able to hear any
> loss of fidelity by using the volume control.  

I understand now. Re-reading the posts I should have gotten that from
cliveb's and others posts (which i DID re-read previously, but as
stated am dense). I also understand why "straight to the power amp" is
the ideal situation now. The goal of 'straight wire with gain' seems to
apply. Also FWIW, my SB3 has never actually done anything to suggest it
would surge and damage my speakers- which was my only other concern
with that setup.

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