Since I'm not an electrical engineer, may logic may be flawed, but
here's my proposition as it concerns switching vs. linear power
supplies, and also choking the power cord with a ferrite core:

My assumption is that whatever noise/coloration/etc. the power supply
is going to be adding to music will be evident whether the SqueezeBox
is playing music or not, because, well ... the power supply is always
supplying power.

To compare power supplies, I suggest turning the volume up to max on
the SqueezeBox -- not while your playing music, mind you, but while the
SqueezeBox is idle. Then, turn the volume of your amp up to max. Now,
get a good set of headphones and listen. Even with the quietest system,
you'll hear noise.

Have your wife or someone switch power supplies, or add and remove the
choke from the power line while your listening through the headphones.
If you can hear a difference, pick the quieter option. BTW, disconnect
your speakers during this experiment. switching power supply sends a
big spike through my speakers when I plug it in and unplug it.

Also, if you happen the get the White Noise of Death during the
experiment, it'll probably kill you on the spot ;-)

Comments? Am I a little naive concerning These escoteric issues?


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