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Question: Should there be a new forum for photos?
- yes
- no
- maybe

Jeff Moore Wrote: 
> It's a work in progress, but here's a recent snapshot of the modest
> clock-radio I have the Squeezebox plugged into the back of.
That attempted post (mine) didn't work very well, did it -- where's the

I'd assumed that most posters were using good ol' email instead of this
newfangled webbified forum interface, and that incoming emailed posts
with images would just have the images stripped and stored by the
gateway, with a link to the stored copy of the image appended to the
text body of the post.  This seems not to be the the case here.

I tried attaching my snapshot to the body of the quoted message above
and mailed it in as always.  After a delay for administration, it did
come back out to the email list, picture and all, albeit with quirky
changes to its MIME structure;  but I see no sign of the picture here
at the web interface.

So I've broken down and subscribed to this aforementioned newfangled
webby forum-a-macallit, and I'll try to post my picture this way. 
Jeez, a lot of work for a wee snapshot with an even more wee
Squeezebox3 buried among the other miscellaneous devices.

|Filename: 20060212-Squeezeo.jpg                                    |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=893|

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