Well folks, my DAC-60 arrived today. It was shipped by air courier
directly from Hong Kong.

I unpacked it and it's indeed one quality unit. Super thick brushed
aluminum faceplate. Thicker than my ARC PH3's!! High quality glass
epoxy PCB. Extruded aluminum heatsinks for all regulators. Parts
quality is extremely good. It came with EH 6922 tubes. I plan to change
them to Bugle Boys later. First I want to see how it sounds with the
stock tubes. 

I placed some white Scotch adhesive putty (same as blu-tack) on top of
the quartz crystal (hurts nothing to try and it's cheap!). I also added
a couple of damping rings to the tubes (from my PH3 preamp).

I didn't have any quality 75 ohm digital cable on had so I bought a
nice Sonic Euphoria cable from the folks at Jeff's Sound Values here in
San Diego. 65 bucks for a .6 m length. Looks like a million bucks.
Massive cable. So heavy it tilted the Squeezebox to one side! I had to
put some Scotch adhesive feet to support it.

I fired the unit up and it immediately locked to the SB3's digital

First impressions are quite promising. Sound is much smoother than the
SB3's internal DAC and analog buffer. Midrange character is also more
laid back, less forward so to speak.

I'll let it "cook" for a while before critical listening...

Here are some shots I took of the DAC-60, SB3 and my system.

picture 1:

|Filename: lite1.jpg                                                |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=907|

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