dorkus Wrote: 
> ah, the wonders of marketing. yes, i know they claim their "UltraLock"
> is completely immunte to input jitter, but that's what it is - a claim.
> if they showed spectral analysis of the jitter with varying input
> sources, that would lend it some credibility. again, are you relying on
> pure theory, taking their word for it, or have you actually confirmed
> this with your own ears and/or seen measurements?
I've seen measurements - granted they are from Benchmark's own website,
so I suppose we should take them with a pinch of salt. And Andrew has
pointed you at a relevant graph that shows varying input jitter has
zero effect on distortion. This is exactly what you should expect given
the asynchronous sample rate conversion method that Benchmark uses for
its reclocking.

As for my own ears: they're probably not good enough to discern any
difference that may exist. In the past I've failed to discern the
difference between a 1990 vintage Philips chipset 16bit 4x oversampling
DAC and a 2000 vintage Lucid DA2496, in a blind test. Call me deaf if
you like. Or alternatively consider the possibility that
well-implemented digital technology already exceeded the limits of
what's needed in a domestic playback environment many years ago, and
that worrying about the last few picoseconds of jitter is akin to
debating the number of angels that fit on the head of a pin.

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