RalphO wrote:
> I still have quite a large collection of black vinyl discs that have
> lots of gems on them but I play them less and less these days.  I am
> looking for way to rip copy them onto my hard drive in the best quality
> way possible.  
> What recommendations can anyone give.  I would even consider using a
> commercial company if there was one recommended.

Couple of questions first.

1) do you currently have a high quality turntable and cartridge? Not
that you had one before, that you know works today? If the cartridge is
old, as in "I can't remember when I replaced it last", then you
will have to get a new cartridge or at least replace the stylus.
The tiny rubber elastic supports die with ozone, age, bad mojo, etc.

2) do you have a quality preamp? More specifically, do
you have a preamp that you know works with the turntable
that has the quality you want? If you don't play LPs
you may not.

3) how many of your LPs are not in print on CD/SACD/DVD-A?

4) do you have something higher quality than a SoundBlaster
on your computer? You simply can't get any quality from a
Soundblaster, there is no point in trying.

As you think of your answers, you have to realise that
at best, it will take you as long to convert to the
computer as it takes to play. If you want to do Quality
Control, it can easily take three times as long to convert,
check, process, etc. as it takes to play them.

For me, after I got it all setup and working,
I decided that for any LPs that I could buy for
under $10 on Amazon, it was not worth my time.
And if you can get the CDs used, they are lots


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