P Floding wrote:
> I don't agree that CD has particularly good dynamic range. S/N ratio
> and dynamic range are not the same thing. 

Realistically, 80 or so dB is all the signal that
you can hope to get, it is primarily the difference
between the noise inherent in microphones, preamps, etc.
and that humans can tolerate.

The 96dB range of a RedBook audio is actually a decent
engineering trade off

> BTW, CD's low useful dynamic
> range is probably the reason today's CDs are mastered with silly-high
> levels. 

I disagree. Read any of the professional audio press, the
CDs are mastered at insane levels with totally lifeless
compression because the clients demand it. The clients
want it to be 'louder than anyone elses' which is
of course idiotic.

The many vinyl lovers in the audiophile world
must be on to something, but none of the engineering
numbers make a lot of sense as supporting arguments.

Pat Farrell         PRC recording studio

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