highdudgeon Wrote: 
> Let's see...ahem.  Okay, now that everyone has read the entire thread:
> Who started this?  Who began with the insults, baiting, teasing
> whatever?  Kind words indeed.  All the more so to be so "humble" after
> jumping in out of the blue and lavishing sarcasm, snootiness, and
> personal vendetta against a de facto stranger.
> That's right.  Dan himself. Kind words aside, I have known few people
> who have managed to get themselves thrown off a forum for exactly the
> arrogant and abrasive behavior shown here.  Kicked off a forum for
> being rude, and, it seems, resentful of it.  Point, set, match.
> Now, back to audio.
> As before, Dan, I put it to you that it is best for you simply to
> resist your inner urges and not reply to any of my posts.  I will
> likewise do the same.  You don't like me, I don't like you, we don't
> respect each other.  The better part of valor, then, would be to avoid
> each other, not step into conversations, etc.  Got it?  Is this hard to
> grasp?Mahalo.

"Please keep the flame war under control here. The forums are here for
people to discuss things related to audio and Squeezeboxen, not be
derogatory towards eachother.Thank you.
- Kevin Pearsall,Customer Support Manager,Slim Devices Inc."


Thought you asked for the flames to stop?

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