Here's the thing:

Without verified blind tests, it is more or less impossible to get a
hold on these mods.  Think about it: the placebo effect works.  If it
works in medicine, it certainly works in audio, with the expectations
of eagar audiophiles multiplied by the money they have spent.  I've
been there and done it myself.

I keep reminding people of the Bay Area Audiophile Society blind test
of power cords -- judging between generic IEC cords and $1,000
audiophile cords, the hit rate hovered around 50%.  50%, of course, is
statistically meaningless.  In short, get a cheap cord, remember that
there are miles of power grid and house hold wire before your huge
audiophile cord, and call it good.  But that's me.

There are so many things that can be improved in theory or by numbers. 
So often, though, these differences make no audible difference.  An amp
with a published THD of .05% is not worse than one with .008% (just to
name two amps I've owned in the last year or so).

And then, of course, comes the law of diminishing returns.  Sure, lots
of things make subtle differences, and sometimes nice subtle
differences...but, are they worth it?

That is where the die-hard hobbiest or perfectionist diverges from
other audiophiles.   I recently ditched a very excellent DAC because,
really, I'm very happy with the SB3 as it is, I've had transporting
experiences listening to music through it, and I'd rather spent the
extra grand somewhere else (like tickets to see live music, for one).

Peter Lyngdorf (of TacT audio) pulled aside a well-known American
reviewer and brought his ear to within an inch of a tweeter.  Sure
enough, there was a tiny bit of hiss.  This hiss, it happens, is what a
$600 or so power supply upgrade to his unit would remove.

If it is important to you, well, grand.  Others might choose

As if you can't tell...I'm from the objectivist camp...

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