GregF Wrote: 
> Update: Squeezebox has been installed for a week now and probably has
> about 50 hours of playing time. Of that, I've spent 3 or 4 hours of
> dedicated listening and my first impressions haven't changed much. On
> the positive side, the Squeezebox does an excellent job of resolving
> the music. I can hear individual instruments and voices clearly, at the
> full range of frequencies that my 47 year old ears can perceive. Over
> the weekend, I rerouted all of the cables in my system (keeping power
> cables and audio cables separate) and fiddled with speaker placement
> (photo at post
> #175). This, and perhaps the accumulated playing time, may have
> produced a small improvement in soundstaging but overall it still
> sounds flat to me.
> My Elpac WM1005-760 power supply arrives tomorrow from Allied
> Electronics ($34.07, with shipping) and I look forward to hearing what
> changes it makes.

I ordered a  power supply from Cascade Surplus ($2.50) which will
arrive in a few days. It will need some soldering to connect the input
and output power cords so it will probably be a week or so until I can
test it.

It's interesting that there haven't been more complaints about the SQ
of the Sueezebox because my feelings toward it mirror yours.

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