Interesting concept the PWM amp. I believe the first unit was introduced
by Infinity in 1976, 30 years ago!! No direct digital connection, of
course, but the shape of things to come...

I wonder if the PWM approach clips in the conventional sense. I find
the power output of the affordable units quite low for wide dynamic
range material. I would love to play something dynamic on them, like
the 1812 Overture or that legendary Telarc of the Carmen Suite, just to
examine its behavior reproducing those large peaks. my 270 wpc SX-1980
handles them ease. Anything below 100 watts (in conventional design) is
asking for trouble...


Squeezebox 3 with Power One Linear Power Supply
Lite Audio DAC60 tube DAC
Pioneer SX-1980
Vandersteen 2Ce Signature
Vandersteen 2W
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