I'm feeding my SB2 to a Benchmark DAC-1, then DIRECT to my Amp. 
Stepping up to the Benchmark brought SUBTLE improvement, evident only
on some recordings.  Actually, bypassing my Pre, and feeding the
Benchmark DIRECT to my Amp brought MUCH greater improvement.  Whether
the Benchmark offers $975 worth of sonic bliss is an individual
decision.  For me it was worth it.

I now have a Musical Fidelity X-10 on order, and will see if it offers
that last bit of "sweetness" that I crave in my system.  If so, for a
TOTAL outlay of $1600 ($200 for wired SB2, $25 for Elpac linear PSU,
plus Benchmark and X-10), I will have achieved sonic nirvana for MY
ears.  YMMV.


squeezebox2 (with elpac linear psu) to benchmark dac1, direct to sunfire
cinema grand 200 ~five (vertically bi-amped) driving ml aerius i's, blue
jeans cables.  'click to see my system'
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