pkfox wrote:
> Hello All, I recently purchased a Squeezebox and would like some advice.
> My Hi-Fi setup is a Meridian 551 amp, Meridian 506 Cd player and some
> very nice Monitor Audio gold speakers - all hooked up with decent
> interconnects and cabling. My questions are:
> 1 - Do I need an external DAC ?
> 2 - What's the best format for the encoding ( I currently use Flac ) ?
> 3 - How can I utilise the digital output ?
> any other pointers very welcome - silly me I thought I could plug it in
> and go but I can definitely hear a sound degradation compared to the cd
> player

One thing to check if it's a wireless player: make sure you're not
restricting the streaming bit rate, i.e. transcoding to mp3.


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