RooX Wrote: 
> What im hearing now would lead me to believe (although i havent tested
> this) that a stock SB3 with a nice dac would absolutly steamroll an
> analoge modded SB3. not in all cases mind you, if you paired a crappy
> old dac with it, im sure the modded sb3 would be nicer, but if i were
> to go out and demo a couple 5-600 dollar dacs, vs spending the cash on
> the mods, i think i know what would win :)I have actually done comparative 
> demos for people with SB2/3s and
external DACs against our 'modded' SB+.  In all cases the SB+ wins
hands down.  External DACs included examples from Benchmark, Meridian
and various NOS types.  YMMV.

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