Robin Bowes Wrote: 
> opaqueice wrote:
> > Robin Bowes Wrote: 
> >> Please read up on what jitter is and how it can and does have a
> >> spectrum
> >> related to the music.
> >>
> > 
> > I have read quite a lot, and I think I have a decent understanding
> of
> > jitter.  Nothing I have read has indicated that the jitter spectrum
> > should be harmonically related to the original analogue signal.  On
> the
> > contrary, many people mention specifically that it is not, and cite
> that
> > as the reason jitter sounds so bad.  Here's an excellent example:
> > 
> >> These sidebands around the signal being decoded aren't harmonically
> >> related to the signal, making them particularly unpleasant.
> > 
> > from .  I recommend
> > you take a look at figure 4 of that reference, and then explain to
> me
> > how the spectrum of that noise has anything whatsoever to do with
> the
> > harmonic content of the music.
> Please read what I actually wrote.

Well, actually I did read what you wrote, and just did again...  and
again, I ask you - why would jitter "have a spectrum related to the
music" as you claim?  Maybe this exchange would be more interesting if
you would actually back up what you're claiming.

I'm not saying this can't happen, and I'm certainly not an expert on
this, but I've never read anything which says this - in fact just the
contrary.  Furthermore it makes little sense logically, unless perhaps
there is some effect where the analogue part of the audio path induces
jitter in the digital signal.

reeve_mike Wrote: 
> The above statement refers specifically to the numbers in the example
> given in the text.
> If one chose the right numbers one could make them related, see the
> formula in Footnote 5 of the article.
Of course they could be related coincidentally, but it would be just
that - coincidence.  It's as someone said earlier, like claiming
getting a book wet would obscure only the R's and no other letters... 
I agree about subjectivity, but I think one can learn a lot examining
possible causes for what people hear.

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