The SB3 volume control does effect the volume level, so the box must be
modifying the data its sending to the DAC chip since I'm tapping into
the data stream going to the DAC chip. I was also wondering whether the
SB3 modified the data or used the attenuator in the 1748, I seem to have
the answer to that! 

I'm running the out of my DAC into my own DIY preamp which has a 24
position stepped attenuator, I've been thinking of building a relay
based version for some time so I can run it remote.

I HAVE to go through the preamp since I have some EQ for the speakers
built into the preamp (EVERYTHING in my system except the turntable is
DIY) I'm using Lowther drivers (very high eficiency but not very much
bass) in a folded transmission line enclosure (made from concentric
cardboard tubes) which evens out the frequency response and makes it
easy to get a flat response with an external EQ circuit. I decided to
do it in the preamp rather than with passive components at the speaker.

John S.

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