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Question: What do you think about the new SD NAS device?
- Awesome! Where can I get one?
- Nice. I'll put that on my wish list.
- Not for me, but it sure is pretty.
- Lame idea. Have the SD folks lost their minds?

aubuti Wrote: 
> I don't use iTunes with slimserver, but according to the wiki slimserver
> and iTunes do _not_ need to be running on the same machine. Slimserver
> just needs to be able to read the iTunes library xml file. The wiki
> entry is clearly still a work in progress, but it does seem clear on
> this point.
> http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.cgi?BeginnersGuideToiTunes
> Coming at it from a slightly different angle: I couldn't see anywhere
> in the Infrant web docs what operating system the NAS is running, but
> I'd certainly expect it's some flavor of Linux. As iTunes is
> Mac/Windows only, it would have to run on a different machine, and the
> wiki indicates that's do-able.

The way I use it, is to have iTunes pointing at the shared music folder
on the NAS.  iTunes (running on my Mac) then reads/writes all the music
files over the network.  The slimserver plugin on the NAS serves the
files on the NAS to the SB (and yes it will do Apple Lossless).  My Mac
doesn't need to be on to use the SB


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