pfarrell Wrote: 
> opaqueice wrote:
> >>Even if you round the numbers against it, calling it 12 years
> >>and say that Moore's law is 2 year cycles, you should expect
> >>2^6 = 64 times "better" in 12 years.
> > 
> > Moore's law's got nothing to do with it - we're talking about the
> same
> > old spdif over the same old cable, not transitors on a chip. 
> I disagree. Moore's law allows chips to get better, smaller and
> cheaper.
> A while ago, a senior engineer at SD said that DAC chips get massivly
> better every couple of years (I'll paraphrase since I can't quote
> chapter and verse).

Moore's "law" is an observation. That is all it is. I can assure you
that if the semiconductor industri was run according to socialist
idéas, there would be no "moore's law".

Also, I don't see why chip component count should have very much to do
with SPDIF performance. Seems a bit strange to me to try to compare one
with the other.

P Floding
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