London Lad wrote:
> Hi 325,
> IMHO there is a lot of difference between 6 meters away or behind a
> wall than something on the hi-fi rack. Also microwaves are designed to
> keep the RF in where as WiFi access points etc are designed to transmit
> it.
> I think it is well to remember that I was talking about audiophiles
> here, which are apparently the market that the transporter is aimed
> at.
> Most 'normal' people are looking for ease of use and good value for
> money combined with reasonable audio quality.
> Audiophiles on the other hand are looking for the best possible audio
> quality over and above all else. Ease of use, looks, cost etc are not
> normally factors that an audiophile would pay much attention too.
> Such things as clean mains supply, quality of interconnects, type of
> rack used, arrangement of pieces of kit in relation to each other on
> the rack, turning off displays, disconnecting unused inputs, oh... and
> RF from Wi-Fi, all only make small, even minute differences to the
> sound but to an audiophile their combined effect is very important.
> I know people who have spent £15,000 on a CD player because it sounds
> fractionally better than the £7,000 one they already own. To these
> people ANY minute improvement to sound quality is worth pursuing as
> long as they can hear it.
> I also know people who would consider spending £200 on a Squeezebox an
> outrageous waste of money.
> I think its important to bear in mind that even within the ranks of
> audiophiles we all have different kit, hearing and rooms. Just because
> a change yields an improvement for one person it doesnt mean it will
> benefit another. Also just because you can measure it doesnt
> necessarily mean you can hear it and vice-versa.
> As with all things, each to his own.

I would like to report this post as offensive and request that it be

Such a sensible voice of reason clearly doesn't belong on the audiophile



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