seanadams Wrote: 
> I was doing some measurements recently on Transporter, using the dScope
> analyzer playing through Transporter in "standalone DAC" mode. One of
> the things I thought could be holding us back was jitter from the
> analyzer's clock, and on the s/pdif connection between the analyzer and
> Transporter.
> So I added a feature to send a word clock output signal on our s/pdif
> ports, to which the analyzer can then "slave" its clock.  Below is a
> plot of a 8KHz sine wave with and without word clock sync. Neat eh?
> The jitter from the analyzer was not even particularly bad compared to
> many devices I've measured - around 200ps RMS. But there is quite a
> difference compared to Transporter's internal clock!
> So if you have a CD player or other source that can take a word clock
> input, you will be able to hook it up like this by checking an option
> to use word sync when in DAC mode.

Let's imagine a SB3 with a wordclock input, that has the digital output
connected to the digital input of the Transporter. How would the
performance of such a setup compare to the quality of the Transporter?

The reason for asking this question, is that as I see it, the
Transporter consists mainly of two parts. The first part is somehow on
the "computer side" of the device. This part is responsible for the
network communication with slimserver, the display, and so on. The
other main part is on the "audiophile side" of the device. This second
part consists of the DAC, the analog stages and so on.

Computer technology and standards seem to me to evovle more rapidly
than audiophile technology. For instance, the Transporter might be
considered "old technolgy" when 802.11n becomes the wireless network
standard. This would be a pity because the DAC etc. would probably
still be state of the art.

Would the sound quality have suffered if the Transporter was made as
two different components? One 500$ SB3 type device with wordclock
input, larger display and buttons on the front. It should also be
possible to operate this device alone with sound quality at SB3 level.
The other device would be a 1500$ DAC with wordclock output and state
of the art audio circuitry. The two devices together would bring
networked music to the audiophile level.

Any thoughts on this?

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