Skunk wrote:
The preamp attenuation feature should not be thought of as a safety
net. A glitch, that might cause white noise for example, would likely
be at full volume and not the desired attenuated volume.
So if you want to go the direct to power amp route, you need an
external attenuator, and judicious use of the digital volume control-
knowing for serious listening the SB should be at full volume. SD staff
have suggested this one (fixed) before: ,

I followed that link, and they are reasonably priced.
A lot cheaper than buying an audiophile preamp or passive attenuator.

The goal is to have the level so loud that then the SqueezeBox is wide open, it is just a little louder than you want, or better, a little
less loud than you ever want. That way you can run the SqueezeBox wide open.

With my Benchmark, I set its internal jumpers so the SqueezeBox can
always be set to 11.
(or really 40, but I think of it as 11)


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