sbn;131670 Wrote: 
> I've also read another thread where somebody's saying that the normal
> volume control of the SB won't affect CD audio sound quality - becuse
> the signal is 16 bit, the DAC uses 24 bit and therefore it can use the
> least significant 8 bits for extra room so it doesnt have to throw away
> data when lowering the volume...

Saying 'it won't affect it' seems wrong. For example if you're playing
an HDCD through SB, and have an HDCD decoding DAC- the indicator light
on the DAC will go off if you go below max. Same goes for DTS

I think the guy who liked the volume lower was using a receiver and the
signal was clipping at the input stage. 

Like Pat said, if your speakers and amp are well matched you shouldn't
need a ton of attenuation- so you can prob get away with it and use the
digital volume plus preamp attenuation safely and without a huge loss in

What you need to avoid is having digital attenuation be the sole
gatekeeper of 500 Watts- with 98dB Lowthers hooked to it. At that point
you'd be listening around 1/5 of full volume, and that may be low enough
to audibly affect the signal.

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