autopilot;132505 Wrote: 
> The data lost when compressing to MP3 is lost forever. The FLACS will
> sound the same. You will just end up with bigger files, absolutly no
> point.
All true, but there actually _might_ be some point to doing it. I'd say
that 90% of my tagging problems with slimserver come from the <5% of my
collection that is MP3. The FLAC/Ogg tagging/comment system is really
straightforward, whereas the IDV3 tags in MP3 can be a real pain, and
further complicated if you add replaygain, which are stored in APE
tags. For example, I'm still trying to sort out a handful of MP3s for
which slimserver has created an "other" genre for no readily apparent
reason. Even putting the relative merits of the different tagging
systems aside, dealing with two systems is unnecessary aggravation.

I've toyed with the idea of wasting some disk space by converting the
MP3s to FLAC, just to simplify management, although I haven't done it
yet. Of course, years from now I'll probably forget that the original
source was MP3s, and wonder why those FLACs sound so crappy......

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