LikeButtah wrote:
Long time listener, first time caller. I'm a budding audiophile
thinking of getting a squeezebox. My question is fairly
straightforward: if I was looking for the best possible sound quality,
how should I connect the box to my network? I know wireless isnt great
for audio streaming, but doesnt slimserver stream files THEN play them
on the box itself?

The Server streams that data in a supported format, and then the SqueezeBox plays it, realtime. As a budding audiophile, you have to
use a lossless format, and the one to use is FLAC as the SqueezeBox can
compress it on the fly.

With a SB3, your files stay compressed over the air. So you
might be happy with wireless.

But true audiophiles drag Ethernet cable from a high speed switch.

Connect the SqueezeBox to a good 100baseT switch using CAT5e or better cable. Connect your computer to the same box with the same cable type.
Put the SlimServer box in the basement or someplace far from your
audiophile system, so you can not hear all the fans, disk noise, etc.


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